班長:籠谷 直人
Coordinator: KAGOTANI, Naoto
共同研究拠点>共同研究一覧(2022年度)A,B,C へ
This period was the transfer of power from Tokugawa to the imperial court, and the transformation from a system of government based on the bakufu(幕府) domains to a unified stat. This was also the period that witnessed the transition to a capitalist economy and the establishment of a modern Japanese state system. In 1889, the Meiji Constitution was promulgated, laying the foundation for the political structure of the state, Japan gradually became unified under the force of nationalism. Therefore, friction increased with Western countries that opposed Japan’s advances. In the Meiji period, Japan entered into the first Sino-Japanese War(日清戦争、1894-95) and the Russo-Japanese War(日露戦争、1904-05), and went on to annex Taiwan in 1895 and Korea in 1910. After two wars, the Imperial Japan had emerged.
The Meiji leadership would come from Choshu(長州) men as Ito hirofumi(伊藤博文) and Yamagata Aritomo(山県有明), and Satsuma(薩摩) as Matsukata Masayoshi(松方正義). In especially, Matsukata brought to the government comprehensive financial skills. Thought many positions were open to outsiders from other domains, the senior statesmen (genro,元老) came from Satsuma and Choshu circle. On the other hand, Meiji government faced with runaway inflation incurred by printing more paper monies, so was still in a precarious position. A campaign of retrenchment began under the direction on Matsukata, who devoted more than sixteen years of his career to Meiji finances. A new land tax(地租改正) and the campaign of “Increase Production and Promoting Industry(殖産興業),” management of the currency, establishment of the Bank of Japan(日本銀行、1882), and adherence to the Global gold standard(国際金本位制)were all carried out under his direction. However, starting in 1886, government notes were converted to silver, and a silver standard established. To help put an end to inflation, factories in industrial sector, excluding strategic industries such as munitions, minting of currency and communications, were sold off comparatively cheap, to private businessmen, such as Mitsui and Mitsubishi. Close to government leaders and sharing their goals, these men emerged as leaders of future Zaibatsu(財閥), centered on the Japanese business circle. This Japanese business circle has been called Zaikai(財界).
Our new joint research project is to make an analysis of the role of Zaikai for imperial Japan’s expansion until 1945. So we will use primary materials, in especially the diary of Japanese businessmen. We will focus on the diary of Tutumibayashi Kazue(Jakaruta),Miyoshi Tokusaburo(Taipei), Miwa Tunesaburo(Nagoya).
氏名 | 所属 |
籠谷 直人 | 班長 |
村上 衛 | |
都留 俊太郎 |
2021年06月17日 更新