Coordinator: WITTERN, Christian
共同研究拠点>共同研究一覧(2022年度)A,B,C へ
Based on the results of previous research seminars and activities at the Center for Informatics in East Asian Studies, as well as on new developments in the field, this research seminar will attempt to support text-based research on many aspects of the East Asian cultures that use Chinese characters with a new integrated collaborative research environment (CRE). This environment will allow users around the world to participate in collaborative close reading, annotating and translating of texts. Furthermore, the environment will also allow users to develop new annotations based on specific research domains and questions. The results can be made available immediately or after peer review, either to a limited group of researchers or to the whole academic community.
The initial CRE will be created by merging the Kanseki Repository (漢籍リポジトリ https://www.kanripo.org), the Thesaurus Linguae Sericae (漢學文典 https://hxwd.org) and other existing digital data repositories. The research seminar will discuss issues of data modeling ( representing of the source materials in digital form ) and interaction with the repositories through interfaces that will be adapted for specific research questions, both as web-based graphical interfaces for online interaction and as interaction through application interfaces for other analytic purposes. The direction and outcome of the seminar will be determined by seminar participants and their specific research questions. Currently, in addition to an elaborate and sophisticated system for linguistic annotation, there are also facilities for semantic annotation and the marking of rhetorical devices. These will be expanded to include domain-specific ontologies in other fields.
The research seminar will be conducted online using a video conferencing system. The main language for the seminar will be English.
氏名 | 所属 |
Wittern, Christian | 班長 |
安岡 孝一 | |
守岡 知彦 |
2021年05月31日 更新