軍事環境問題の研究 -- A Transdisciplinary Study of the Environmental Impact of Military Activities




The project will analyze the environmental consequences of military activities in Japan, Korea and other parts of the world on local residents, exploring local social movements and their proposals for preserving environments and building peace. Our approach is transdisciplinary, but we will use fieldwork to grasp local perspectives and will share our findings through documentary films as well as academic papers. Through our research we hope to achieve a better understanding of the environmental issues related to military activities as well as to establish reliable relationships with local persons that will permit more comprehensive studies and systematic endeavors in the near future.


date title
日本環境会議宮城大会 会議参加と被災地ツアー
下北沢でのAir Pressure上映 海外研究協力者との会合、作品上映
祝島 祝島の原発反対運動の調査

Working Paper

date title
軍事環境問題ワーキングペーパー 4 国際ワークショップ「韓国における軍事基地と反基地・平和運動の現状」
軍事環境問題ワーキングペーパー 3 シンポジウム「沖縄における米軍基地・環境・社会運動」
軍事環境問題ワーキングペーパー 2 シンポジウム「沖縄戦〈後〉の社会とトラウマ」
軍事環境問題ワーキングペーパー 1「自衛隊施設における環境規制-水汚染と土壌汚染を中心に-」
