
"The First World War and a Prison Camp -Central Europe as a Miniature Garden"
10-28 November, 2014 ( except for Saturday, Sunday, Holidays)
Kobe University, Exhibition Hall(Centennial Building 1F)

Presentation of movie
"Ned med våbnene (Lay down your arms) ! "
30 October, 2014
Kobe University, Audiovisual Room (Faculty of Letters, B-Bld.1F)
Lecturer:Sawako Ogawa (The Institute for Research for Humanities, Kyoto University)

Opening Ceremony
Playing drama "Burning soul with passion"

30 October, 2014
18:00-19:30 (open 17:30)
Kobe University, Rokko Hall (Centennial Building)

Memorial Concert "The Bridge of Music"
12 November
18:30 open
Kobe University, Memorial Rokkodai Lecture Hall
Kobe University Symphony Orchestra, Urlike Danhofer (violin, Professor in Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien)